Social Distancing Whilst Working At Height Using Ladders

Find out about the alternatives to using ladders for working at height whilst social disancing.

Social Distancing Whilst Working At Height Using Ladders
Laura Hemsley

By Laura Hemsley
On Jul 2, 2020

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3 minutes

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As many sectors have now reopened and more are scheduled to reopen in the coming weeks each are faced with the challenge of preventing the spread of COVID-19 by following the UK Government’s social distancing measures

With the additional risks and measures introduced to limit the spread of Coronavirus at the top of the agenda, height safety still remains as crucial as ever.

For those who work at height and use equipment such as ladders there has always been an element of risk which is why risk assessments, selecting the right equipment and training are essential to minimise the risk of falls and injuries in the workplace. 

Safety first: minimise the risk of falls, injuries and transmission of COVID-19

The introduction of new COVID-19 guidance for workplaces means that everyday work activities such as cleaning, moving stock or general maintenance duties carried out whilst working at height need to be reviewed to manage risks. Selecting the right access equipment is crucial for ensuring safety and efficiency as well as compliance with Health and Safety Regulations. Pre-existing risks assessments and rescue plans need to be reviewed before buildings can be reopened safely. 

The challenges: Social distancing and working at height using ladders 

If you currently have a ladder policy where one person is allowed on a ladder with one person footing the ladder and this involves workers being closer than 2m apart, within the context of the current social distancing situation you will need to consider this point carefully in your risk assessment.

You may potentially seek out other work at height equipment alternatives which allow social distancing to be maintained. Good alternatives to ladders are the HLS 360 extra wide platform step or Hugo Lift. 

HLS 360 Platform Steps: a safer alternative to ladders

The 360 platform steps can be used to work safely whilst alone and are ideal for working at height in offices; shops; factories; airports; transport hubs; warehouses; data centres; Libraries, archives and stores; hospitals; schools and universities; museums and other public buildings. 


The HLS 360 extra wide platform steps are available in either aluminium or food-safe GRP (glass fibre reinforced plastic). The generous platform is enclosed on 3-sides making it easier for the user to retain three points of contact. Options include levelling feet, tool tray, even a fully locking gate. 

  • Platform enclosed on three sides to ensure maintaining three points of contact is easy
  • Available in either aluminium or food-safe GRP
  • Travel wheel option make the steps even easier to move around
  • Gate or belt options make users feel secure and safe in the platform
  • GRP option is chemical resistant and non-conductive
  • Levelling system available as an option
  • Optional tool tray provides extra storage space on the platform

Fnd out more about the HLS 360 Platform steps here: Take a look 

Download your spec


Our team is ready to help any business or organisation seeking advice on how to prepare to re-open effectively. To speak to one of our work at height specialists call 0113 287 8446 or email

Download the HLS Working at Height Expert Guide

As part of our commitment to work at height safety this guide is designed to provide guidance and advice on how to minimise risk and ensure compliance.


Laura Hemsley

By Laura Hemsley
On Jul 2, 2020

Read time
3 minutes

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