MEWPS | Safety Culture | Working at Height Safety | Rent

Restarting business operations quickly and safely with hire equipment

Many organisations are now looking ahead to resumption of operations. Here at HLS we have a range of work at height solutions which can help you get back to work quickly and safely.

Restarting business operations quickly and safely with hire equipment
Laura Hemsley

By Laura Hemsley
On Jun 18, 2020

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2 minutes

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These recent weeks and months have been challenging and many premises have been left empty while operations have been placed on hold. During the lockdown, many businesses have turned their focus to undertaking work at height tasks that are often difficult to take on when sites are open or when production is in full swing. As a result we have seen increased demand for short-term work at height equipment hire from a range of sectors, from manufacturing rail, petroleum and FM in schools and sports facilities. 

Now, as the focus begins to turn to restarting your business operations, there are new challenges to face. 

Many organisations are now looking ahead to resumption of operations,  planning their return to work following months of coronavirus restrictions and preparing to meet the robust health and safety standards required to safely restart operations. For a guidance on planning to return and risk assessments, read our blog series on readiness to re-open considerations here. 

For almost all businesses across the UK, the urgent priority is how to get back to work as quickly as possible and with the appropriate health, safety and hygiene measures in place to protect their employees and their clients. 

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Flexible hire solutions | helping you to restart quickly and safely

Short term hire solutions can help your business return to work both quickly and safely whilst keeping costs to a minimum. 

Many industries can benefit from renting equipment rather than buying it, particularly when it caters for short-term equipment needs or to enable the delivery of a tight project schedule. Our hire specialists can provide range work at height equipment to help speed up the process of restarting your business operations and putting stringent cleaning procedures in place whilst social distancing. 


Whether you require access platforms or a MEWP we have the ideal solution with a range of over 1,000 high-quality access solutions from the world’s leading brands. These can be provided nationally with fast turnaround and can cost as little as £99 per week. 

We have a special projects hire team who can deal with more complex requests such as requiring  operators, banksmen, or local authority permits. 

How HLS can help

Throughout the lockdown, we have been keeping our customers who provide essential services in health care, medical research, manufacturing and FM operational, safe, productive and fully compliant whilst taking preventative measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. 

We have been able to adapt quickly and have worked hard to overcome the challenges of social distancing and additional hygiene requirements to provide essential maintenance and compulsory LOLER services to our customer’s buildings and sites. 

Our team is ready to help any business or organisation seeking advice on how to prepare to re-open effectively. To speak to one of our hire specialists call 0113 287 8446  or email


Download the HLS Working at Height Expert Guide

As part of our commitment to work at height safety this guide is designed to provide guidance and advice on how to minimise risk and ensure compliance.


Laura Hemsley

By Laura Hemsley
On Jun 18, 2020

Read time
2 minutes

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